Ensure regulatory compliance, optimal performance, 和可靠的功能,你的射频识别设备, with im体育APP’s rigorous RFID testing. Reduce downtime and disruption, 凭借我们先进的解决方案,验证您的产品符合安全要求, EMC, and radio performance requirements, as well as RFID standards.


What is RFID and why is testing important?

无线射频识别(RFID)技术可以精确跟踪人员, 资产, products and inventory. Using electromagnetic fields and radio waves, RFID tags and wireless devices can identify people and objects without physical contact. The uses of RFID are countless, from retail products, library books, airport cases, staff medications and livestock to e-Passports, smart cards and entry fobs. RFID标签的数量正在快速增长,每年增长20%.

测试这些设备的功能和安全性至关重要,因为它们通常负责跟踪和监控与供应链相关的重要信息, workplace efficiency, 安全, 健康, 和安全. 系统停机以及不准确或不完整的数据可能会产生严重后果.


Key benefits of RFID testing with im体育APP

  • Compliance Assurance我们确保您的系统和部件符合im体育平台app下载标准和法规, minimizing the risk of legal and regulatory issues.
  • Performance Optimization: Downtime and disruption can be costly and damaging. By evaluating signal strength, 阅读范围, and environmental factors, 我们帮助您优化RFID系统的整体性能,降低故障风险, no matter the circumstance.
  • Account for all Eventualities我们的定制测试解决方案可帮助您模拟和预测RFID设备在最具挑战性的环境中如何反应.
  • Improved Supply Chain Management:充分利用经过测试的RFID技术,可以实现更快、更自动化的流程, reducing risk of human error and reducing operational costs.
  • Customized Solutions我们的服务可以根据您的具体im体育平台app下载需求量身定制, 为从医疗保健和航空航天到工业和运输部门的应用提供定制的解决方案.
  • Increased Cost Efficiency我们的测试评估您的RFID标签的物理稳健性, contributing to their durability, ensuring a longer lifespan in challenging environments, and reducing costly maintenance and service delays.


Maintain an interoperable ecosystem

In our interoperability verification process, 我们专注于在您的RFID生态系统中建立和谐的连接和兼容性. 我们评估和验证您的RFID标签和阅读器之间的潜在相互作用, especially when sourced from different manufacturers. 这种彻底的评估不仅旨在促进而且保证整个系统的兼容性. 我们解决了您在多供应商环境中可能面临的挑战, 让您确信您的RFID组件无论来自何处都能紧密高效地工作. 


Remain Secure

im体育APP的专家在识别RFID系统中的潜在漏洞方面采取积极主动的立场. 我们的全面分析指出了可能危及敏感数据完整性的薄弱环节. Once vulnerabilities are identified, 我们可以为您提供可靠的安全措施建议,以加强您的RFID基础设施. 我们希望确保您的宝贵数据得到保护和保密. 通过合作解决漏洞并实施严格的安全措施, 我们使您能够在数据安全至关重要的环境中自信地操作.

Michael Derby

Michael Derby

Technical Director - Regulatory Approvals

im体育官方app下载 about Michael

我们的 RFID testing services and capabilities

im体育APP为标签等设备提供射频识别设备(RFID)的关键标准测试和认证, 读者, 和天线.

  • Advice And Guidance
  • Test Plan Generation And Risk Analysis
  • Pre-Compliance 测试
  • Completing Documentation
  • 测试 In Real Life Environment
  • FCC CFR 47 Part 15C
  • 目标7351731 (FDA)
  • ETSI EN 300 330-2
  • ETSI EN 302 208-2
  • ETSI EN 302 291-2 


RFID for global market access

im体育APP是电信认证机构(TCB) FCC, a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for 产品适用, EU RED Notified Body services for CE标志, and a Radio Certification Body (RCB) for Japan. 我们的 global market access 团队为您的RFID设备提供全套测试和认证服务,使其顺利、及时地进入全球市场.


RFID testing for medical devices

在医疗器械安全评估中,遵守目标7351731等标准至关重要. This standard, acknowledged by the U.S. FDA,重点关注医疗环境中与RFID阅读器相关的风险. 制造商必须评估这些风险以及标准要求, 确保接触RFID的医疗电气产品的安全. im体育APP, with our expertise in EMC and medical device testing, 提供专业服务,协助医疗设备制造商准备和测试目标7351731标准.


Why choose im体育APP? 

im体育APP每年对成千上万的无线设备进行测试和认证. Whether you operate in aerospace, medical devices, 工业, transportation, or any other industry, we have the expertise to tailor an RF testing solution to precisely meet your requirements.

我们在美国和英国的实验室进行ISO 17025认证测试,并可以提供全面的RFID测试计划. 作为众多测试和认证服务的市场领导者, 包括提供广泛的其他无线电和无线测试解决方案, 您可以从我们单一供应商的全球服务网络中获益. Whatever your RFID requirements, im体育APP的专家很乐意帮助您导航到安全的道路, 质量, and compliance for your tags and 读者.

To discuss your RFID testing requirements, or learn more about im体育APP, contact us today


  • 目标7351731
  • ETSI EN 300 330-2 v1.6.1; 
  • ETSI EN 302 208-2 v2.1.1; 
  • ETSI EN 302 291-2 v1.1.1; 
  • FCC CFR 47 Part 15C;
  • Japanese Radio Law Ordinance
  • Industrial Facilities Emitting Radio Waves

EMC Requirements for Medical Devices

In this article, Steve Hayes讨论了在研究电磁干扰对医疗设备的影响时的关键要求. 他解释了制造商在进行风险评估时应该考虑的一些问题, electrical safety, EMC, and radio testing.


Wireless Coexistence for Connected Medical Devices

现在有数十亿的Wi-Fi、蓝牙和蜂窝设备在使用. 设备制造商必须管理风险,积极主动地防止对其产品的干扰. 了解更多.


Related Services

Parametric testing and RF protocol

RF Protocol and Parametric 测试


RF testing services
RF compliance testing

RF Compliance 测试

im体育APP offers RF compliance testing services, 帮助您展示有效的无线电频谱使用和对国家特定法规的遵守.


Global Market Access (GMA)



我们的 team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.